the internet ideas blog

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Anti-Resolution Resolved

So here it is, January 1, 2012. The day for starting new resolutions.

Funny thing about resolutions, they happen only once a year but usually people resolve to do something they can start any other time of the year, so why wait until January 1 - as if that's some magical day and all things are right in the world once more. The other thing is that if you resolve to do something and about 1/2 way through the year you aren't doing it - you'll feel bad about yourself on the next New Year for realizing you didn't do it last year. And if you didn't do what you resolved last year, then how can you be sure you'll do it this year. You see the vicious cycle this creates.

This year I decided to forget about the resolutions. I set up my "vision board" for what I would like to accomplish this year and decided what areas that present opportunities for improvement here at work. All was well, ready to start fresh on January 2. (We decided to work instead of playing hooky like the mailman)

Then something happened, I watched that movie, Julie & Julia and how she blogged everyday about the cooking she was doing. I got to thinking that if she could do it I could too - blogging I mean, not cooking from Julia Child's book. So I reversed my anti-resolution stance putting myself at risk of disappointment for 1 thing. I will blog everyday for 365 days. The great thing is I actually started yesterday on another blog I own so I'm already down to 364.

Now since I write blogs for clients I figure that as long as I write one post on any of the blogs I manage each day I'll count that. Most of the 364 posts will be here or on my other personal blog but the point is -- I'm resolving to do it.

I read where blogging is very important, I tell clients it's important yet like the cobbler's child our business and my personal blog get neglected often. If they were plants they are wilting if not dead.

Okay - who's with me? Who will accept the challenge of writing on their blog every day for the next year? I know it sounds daunting but if Julie could do it - I can too. And she was cooking a la Julia Childs along the way.

Would love to hear from you, dear readers.

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