the internet ideas blog

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

What's Your Plan?

Welcome to 2010!

This week I've been working on preparing year-long internet marketing plans for my clients. I use the analytical data from the past year, compared to the year before where applicable, to determine what's going on and where efforts need to be focused going forward.

Each plan doesn't take long to compile and often includes promotional schedules, website updates needed to accommodate all the new stuff each year, like video, and email marketing schedule. I also look at what articles can be written as good content for the sites and what we'll be promoting through social media like Facebook & Twitter.

It surprising though, the number of businesses that fail to take a few hours each year to get ready for the next.

Having a plan sure makes the year go easier because we know what needs to be happening from one month to the next. And that knowing helps keep everyone in sync and on track, no scrambling for something new at the last minute.

So take some time this week and work on what you want to happen in the next year. It will pay off in saved time and improved revenue. If you need help, give me a shout

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