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Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Goals for 2013

2013 is here! 

Hi! Chris here.... Just so you know.

Hard to believe it's already the third morning of 2013. I'm getting a late start on setting goals.. I'm sure there's some sort of irony in that.

Most of these goals are going to be professionally motivated, but I'll try to slip in a couple personal ones so the read isn't too dry.

1) First I think I'd like to make it a goal of mine for 2013 to review this list of goals & check on my progress on the 3rd day of every month. Hey look at that, 12 free blog posts this year that I don't even have to ponder about. Success!

2) Learn a new programming language. I'll probably go with something like Ruby on Rails. This will expand our programming horizons here in the office in the sense that we'll be more capable of creating small lightweight "web-apps" very quickly & with a robust security and feature suite. So yeah.. New programming language. I'd like to have a test application up by my March that I'll provide a link for, that way you guys can help me keep track of that and call me out if I don't deliver. If on March the 3rd I'm not posting up a link for you guys to play around with, call me out on it.

3) To expand on my very limited design capabilities. As most of you reading this know, Teajai is our creative mind. She's also the marketing director, the company's finance manager & client liaison to several of our most involved clients. She's a busy lady! I think it would be in the interest of the company if I developed the ability to start creating web templates. I'll start uploading some samples of work for you guys here soon.. No deadline on this one. I'll definitely create the layout for the Ruby on Rails web app discussed above in #2 so we can all laugh at how rudimentary my design abilities are.

4) Read a book a month. Fiction book. I don't typically do fiction books, I like reading then applying my new knowledge. Couldn't tell you why I've never been a big fiction reader. I think this will be a good exercise for me though. If you have any recommendations then feel free to share them with me in the comments.

5) Create an updated suite of web content systems for our clients. First and most importantly to me is I'd like to redevelop our shopping cart solution. I think we need more sales report functionality so I'd like to expand on that. Second is a full featured content management system, but secretly I've already made quite a bit of progress on this. (queue evil laugh)

6) Actually do all of these things.

Most of these you guys are more than capable of helping keep me honest on. So don't hesitate to check in on me and shoot an email asking how progress on any number of these are coming. I'm tempted to create some sort of application that will send an email (or maybe a text?) randomly throughout the year reminding you of your convictions.. Sort of funny that we need reminders of our convictions, but that's another blog post.

I hope all is well for you & yours, and AS ALWAYS, if there's anything you need help with as we're all ramping up for the new year, let Teajai or I know. We're happy to help & excited to grab this year by the horns.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hi! I'm Chris! I program the websites...

Hi, it's Chris. I hardly ever post, but I've made a New Years resolution to more actively engage myself with our blog. I can't even pretend to know what I'm going to write about over the course of the next year, but I can promise it won't always be work related. If I'm going to write blog posts they're going to have to be about things I want to talk about, and while I love web development, enjoy working with Teajai, and the clients who employ us... I don't want to spend my time talking about it too.

So anyways.. I guess an introductory post is in order!

My name is Chris Keefer. I guess here's where I try to sum myself up in a brief synopsis. So let's see here...

I'm a programmer. In the context of the web that means I'm the one who creates and implements the solutions to your internet problems. Shopping carts, content management systems, user login systems. I build those. Favorite Language: PHP

I secretly want to be a chef. Only problem is I can't cook. I've been working on it, very recently really the time and spending some focus points on really applying myself in the kitchen... Favorite Food: Chicken Fried Steak (with pan gravy of course...) 

The hobby that really soaks up the majority of my time, when weather permits, is automotive mechanics. I work on friend's cars. My car. Friend's friend's cars.. It's just something I love to do when I have the time (and money!). I've had a run of bad luck with my most recently car, so I'm really considering dropping it for a new project. We'll see how it pans out. Just waiting for warmer months so I can get back out there and start tinkering. Favorite Car: Datsun 510

I'm a dog person. I don't hate cats or anything, in fact Teajai's cat Prince may be my favorite animal of all time. But if I ever have a furry friend of my own, it'll be a dog. Favorite Breed: Australian Cattle Dog

Lightning round: I'm right-handed. My two best friend's names are Angel and Jesus (LOL!). I'm sort of a movie snob. I wish I was more artistic. I used to play video games competitively, attending tournaments across the country. I've never been able to successfully use chop-sticks. My favorite color is Orange. I chew on ice & straws... always.. I've never left the country. I have friends I keep in regular contact with living in over 20 states (and Canada land!). I never met a pizza I didn't like. I hate getting haircuts (I always look dumb!). I love the smell of race fuel (but don't sniff it.. that'd be bad). I once BOARDED a plane going to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina... My destination was Jacksonville, Florida... I like pineapple on my pizza.. and I ask Santa for a giant tortoise every year so I can put aviator goggles on him.. Santa never delivers.

I hope this was enlightening.... Probably not.. But at least we know each other a little better.. Or.. you know me better..

Whatever. I'll find a real topic of discussion for my next post.. I promise.

I hope everyone's Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukkah or otherwise awesome December-based holiday is going/went/will go great. It's a cool time of year, but I know a lot of people get wrapped up in the hustle & bustle of it all. So don't forget to spend some time reflecting on what's truly important in life.

As always, if there's ever anything we can do.. I know TJ and I are happy to oblige.. Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you and yours are safe, happy & healthy, and if I don't talk to you before, enjoy your new years. 
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